I remember fondly playing a game called telephone in elementary school. In the game of telephone, a message is whispered from person to person. The fun part is that the last person says what he heard to the whole group and everybody gets a laugh out of how a phrase such as "Send reinforcements, we're going to advance" gets inadvertently translated into "Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance". This is very similar to what happens in traditional software development projects.
Figure: The Traditional Development Telephone Game
The figure above represents a typical traditional development process and some typical times between handoffs. At each stage, instead of whispering the information along, the participants create and use a series of documents, each of which serves a different purpose. As the information moves from stage to stage it needs to be translated into an appropriate form for each stage of development. The documentation also serves as a record of information that was discovered along the way and the decisions and justification for decisions that were made along the way.
The product manager talks to customers and those conversations are translated into Marketing Requirements Documents (MRDs) which are translated into engineering requirements which are translated into specifications which are translated into designs which are eventually translated into code. The end result is then given to the user who often says something pithy like "that's not what I wanted."

At each stage of development there is a risk that the intent from the previous stage is mistranslated. Another way to think of the mistranslation is data corruption. The larger the amount of work that is flowing from stage to stage, and the longer it takes for work to pass from stage to stage, the more likely it is for information to become "corrupted" and the greater the extent of the corruption. Of course, people don't just blindly translate information without interacting with people from earlier stages, they ask for clarification when they think they need it.
When clarification is needed, such as when somebody is writing a test and has a question about how a feature is supposed to work, it requires a conversation with the author of the documention. There is no guarantee that the author is available when needed, knows the answer themselves, or can find the answer in the supporting documentation that they themselves used. That then requires another conversation with the architect, and then the architect with the product manager and then the product manager with customers. The customers may have given their feedback based on ideas they had during the discussion with the product manager but have long since forgotten. The further back in the chain you go, the harder it will be for people to remember the details required to answer clarifying questions.
People aren't very good at remembering the exact details of the work that they did weeks or months in the past. That’s one of the main reasons for creating the documents in the first place. When people are routinely put in the position of having to do something they are not good at, it leads to stress, lower morale, and mistakes. [See "Guilty Confessions of a Software Developer"]
Ok, so now we have a good idea of how customer intent can get lost in translation and how the people developing the software can get stressed out. While that's all very interesting, it isn't very useful unless we can figure out how to act on this information.
Next: Leveraging Human Strengths in the Development Process
You're right. I jut finished my first university project and now I have my reasons to prefer iterations to the classic waterfall model.
Great post. I really like it. It's exactly the same problem of the game of telephone. Communication problems. That's why in the agile software devlopment the custumer needs to be close to the development team.
A conference call is a telephone call in which someone talks to several people at the same time. The conference calls may be designed to allow the called party to participate during the call, or the call may be set up so that the called party merely listens into the call and cannot speak. It is sometimes called ATC (audio tele-conference).
Conference Call
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